Transporting Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury

Transporting Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury

What is Traumatic Brain Injury? Statistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability in the U.S.  TBIs contribute to approximately 30% of all injury related deaths.  According to the Brain Injury Association of America, a traumatic brain injury typically involves an impact to

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Critical Care Transport – A Stroke Patient’s Story

Suffering a medical emergency while traveling abroad can be a frightening experience.  Language barriers, delays in treatment, questionable medical care, and problems with insurance often lead to frustration and angst for both the patients and their families.  Getting the patient transported home can seem like a challenging process.  Here is one patient’s story. Jack Allen suffered a massive stroke while

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Handling Health Emergencies While Traveling Abroad

A health emergency abroad may mean the abrupt end to a vacation or business trip.  Many people travel with some contingency plans regarding healthcare.  They typically carry enough prescription medication to last through the trip, plus a little extra to cover delays.  Others must receive vaccinations before traveling to certain regions of the world.  People may stock up on over

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Traveling with Heart Disease

February is American Heart Month.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S.  Each year more than 700,000 people suffer a heart attack.  While many of these are a first-time heart attack, more than 200,000 occur in people who have had a

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Diabetic Emergencies: Preparing for Medical Air Transport Checklist

Every year November is designated American Diabetes Month. As we conclude the month, it a good time for those with this chronic illness and the people that love them to assess their readiness in an emergency. One thing that might not occur to you is how to prepare for medical air transport. Riding in an air ambulance isn’t like any

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Smart Holiday Travel for Seniors

An estimated 100 million Americans are expected to travel over the upcoming 2017 holiday season.  Senior adults will be among those who will visit family and friends in other places, or perhaps join them on a cruise or at a vacation destination.  Whether making the trip alone or with others, seniors may need to plan ahead and take extra measures

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VoyageATL Feature

We are honored to have our very own Mark Chapman featured on VoyageATL’s Most Inspiring Stories. Check out Mark’s story and why you should choose Medway as your medical air ambulance provider.

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Medway Air Ambulance Transports Critically Ill Baby to Boston Children’s Hospital

Medway Air Ambulance transported a critically ill infant from New Orleans to Boston on Wednesday, September 20 to receive life-saving treatment.  Baby Hayze Hart was born five months ago with gastroschisis, a rare birth defect in which the intestines protrude outside the body through a hole in the abdominal wall near the belly button.  Hayze, who was born five weeks

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